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This Week at St Faith’s

Bright Monday: A Burst of Colour and Positivity

This week, our Pre Prep turned Blue Monday into Bright Monday, filling the day with colour, energy, positivity and joy. Children arrived in vibrant cheerful outfits, creating a lively atmosphere that uplifted spirits across the Pre Prep. The children enjoyed a range of dedicated activities designed to promote happiness and connection with nature and music. These included a visit to The Wild Place, a yoga session with Mrs Walker, a special workshop delivered by Chartwells called ‘Our Young Minds’, uplifting and energetic music with Mr Davies and opportunities to practise gratitude throughout the day. The whole occasion was a wonderful reminder of the importance of fostering joy, mindfulness, and appreciation for the world around us.

Eco Committee: RSPB Big Schools’ Birdwatch 2025

Thursday lunchtime was all of a twitter, as the Eco Committee took to the school grounds to participate in the RSPB Big Schools’ Birdwatch 2025. A little bird told me that our Pre Prep committee were brushing up on their bird navigation skills and knowledge of birds’ eggs. Years 5 and 6 pupils flew the nest and searched the school grounds to count as many birds as they could. Equipped with binoculars and an eagle-eyed excitement to spot our feathered friends, Years 5 and 6 pupils identified a wide variety of birds, from pied wagtails to blue tits. There was even one unconfirmed sighting of a flamingo… The collected data were submitted to the national RSPB database, contributing to a valuable nationwide picture of bird populations. This initiative not only sharpened the pupils’ observation skills but also underscored the importance of environmental stewardship.

Year 2: A Journey Through the Stars

This week our Year 2 pupils were treated to a visit from the ‘StarDome’ experience to support their ‘space’ topic. The ‘StarDome’ is a large mobile indoor ‘pop-up’ planetarium, which was set up for the children here in Ashburton Hall. Such was the size of the planetarium that the children were even able to lie down and spread out inside, enabling them to gain the best possible view of the sky. This was a really immersive experience and the pupils were mesmerised. Andy Green, an astronomy expert and Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society, talked the pupils through some of the mysteries of outer space. The children were completely enthralled by their ‘spin’ through the night sky and were fascinated to learn more about the Solar System. The children eagerly asked questions, demonstrating their growing curiosity and knowledge about outer space.

Year 6 History: Considering Henry VII’s visual display

As part of their History topic on the Tudors, I very much enjoyed the opportunity to speak with the Year 6 pupils this week about English monarch Henry VII. We discussed how Henry promoted himself and his claim to the throne through a clever use of visual display with symbolism and emblems. Henry is regarded by historians as being a pious, well organised king who was careful with his money, but his place in history is often overshadowed by his famous son Henry VIII. Pupils listened attentively and asked perceptive questions about Henry VII’s intentions with his visual display in life and in death. The children gained an understanding of Henry as an intelligent and strategic monarch who went to great lengths to secure the new and fragile Tudor dynasty – including innovations such as uniformed Yeomen of the Guard.

Year 8 Art & Design Group: Visit to Castle Fine Art Gallery

On Tuesday afternoon, 18 Year 8 pupils visited the Castle Fine Art Gallery in The Grand Arcade to see some contemporary art and experience a commercial art gallery. The children were given a tour of the gallery and learned about the various artists whose work was on display. At the end of the afternoon, the pupils were encouraged to participate in the gallery’s ‘Young Fine Artist’ competition for 2025.

The pupils have been set the task of creating their own artwork in response to the work of an artist, or theme, which inspired them during their visit. The children will now work independently on their creative responses during their art lessons and return to the gallery in March to present their work and to discuss their projects with the gallery manager. The winner of the competition will have their artwork framed and displayed in the window of the gallery, alongside the professional artists’ work, for everyone to see for three months over the summer. This is a unique and inspiring opportunity for our budding artists to showcase their talents.

Year 5 Science

Year 5 took science beyond the classroom this week, collaborating with Catering Manager Peter Burt and Head Chef Malcolm Wood. As part of their topic on microbes and food preparation, the pupils learned about the meticulous daily hygiene protocols involved in achieving a 5-Star Food Hygiene Rating in our St Faith’s kitchen. Thoughtful questions from the pupils highlighted their growing understanding of microbes and food safety. There was plenty to be discussed once back in the classroom, relating the importance of the procedures observed to the intricate complexities of food preparation. Everyone found it an interesting and enlightening real world experience.


Indoor rowing continues to be a popular activity among pupils. At the start of Wednesday afternoon Indoor Rowing, the children warm-up with circuit training rounds in the Sports Hall. The warm-ups consist of star jumps, plank, lunges, push-ups and more, all of which help loosen, stretch, and warm up muscles and joints. After 50 minutes of circuit training, the children help to set up the classroom with 7 rowing machines. Pupils can see their personal progress week by week on the smart board, as they strive to improve their personal best timings. Distances to complete are set from 125m sprints up to 1000m endurance tests, as well as a Watt Test to see their power. Pupils have really enjoyed this journey of self-improvement, becoming keenly competitive with their previous scores. As the weeks have progressed, it is apparent how the children have improved their physical strength and endurance. Indoor rowing is a very popular sport, and the children look forward to it every week!

House Captains’ Lunch: Planning for success

In the Michaelmas term, I had the pleasure of presenting the 8 House captains with their badges. These roles carry significant leadership responsibilities for those individuals and requires the House Captains to provide ongoing support of the pupils in their Houses. On Thursday, the House captains were invited to lunch on the Project Deck with the respective Heads of House and they really enjoyed the opportunity to plan for the next two terms as well as reflect on last term’s successes.

U11 Boys’ Hockey

Mr Thompson writes:

It has been a busy and excellent start to the term for our U11 Boys’ Hockey team having had two tournaments within the first couple of weeks. First up was a preseason trip to Framlingham where our boys faced nine of the top schools in East Anglia. The day went incredibly well with our boys beating Framingham in the final 3-0.

This set us up very nicely for the County Cup on Monday of this week. The standard of hockey in Cambridge at this age group is extremely strong so we knew it was going to be a competitive day. We started very well beating a strong St John’s side 3-1. Further wins against Kimbolton, King’s and Stephen Perse meant we would play The Perse in the Final. What a game it turned out to be! Some amazing expressive hockey displayed by both teams had all the spectators gripped, and it was a last gasp goal from The Perse which won the match. Overall, it was a fantastic competition. Our boys played especially well in all their matches and the wonderful experience will spur them on to even greater success.


‘Pop-in & Play’: A warm welcome

On Wednesday morning, we opened our doors to prospective Reception families for our Pop-in & Play event. Guests experienced the vibrant and nurturing environment that defines Early Years education at St Faith’s.

Chess Fixtures

On Sunday, St Faith’s pupils will be taking part in Cambridgeshire Chess League fixtures at The Perse School and we wish them the very best of luck.

And Finally…

This week, we are delighted to share the publication of our ISI School Inspection Report, which confirms that we have met the rigorous standards of ISI in all areas and celebrates the many strengths of St Faith’s. This excellent outcome is a testament to the dedication, hard work, and collaboration of our entire school community—staff, governors, pupils, and parents alike. I would like to say thank you to everyone for their contributions making St Faith’s such a vibrant, inspiring, and supportive environment for learning.

May I wish everyone a restful weekend filled with moments of joy and discovery, whether that is spotting a pied wagtail in your garden, taking a mindful walk in nature, or enjoying a game of chess.

With all best wishes,

Crispin Hyde-Dunn