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A Tailored Education

A “tailored education” is at the heart of provision at St Faith’s School. It recognises that a “one size” approach does not fit all. Instead, St Faith’s offers child centred teaching, designed to optimise pupil progress and achieve potential. This is delivered by applying the following elements:

  • Pupil profiling– assimilating standardised scores in English, Maths, Verbal, Non-Verbal, and Spatial Reasoning, as well as ascertaining pupil attitudes to self and school, all help to understand a pupil’s profile, including their preferred learning styles
  • Pupil choice– informed by a pupil’s profile, offering and supporting pupil choices allows personalisation of learning for pupils at St Faith’s
  • Digital technology– we engage with new approaches to evolve teaching and learning and enable pupils to develop new skills
  • Pupil tracking– we track each pupil’s progress to ensure they are fulfilling their potential and we can make adjustments as needed
  • Goal setting – we ensure that pupils have personalised feedback, direction and targets towards which they can work
  • Ongoing training– our staff undertake skilled training designed to enhance the provision of precision education for our pupils
  • Ongoing input– we regularly collate input from pupils, parents, teachers and specialist stakeholders, to ensure the academic and pastoral needs for each child are clearly understood and carefully provided