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After considered and thorough consultation, our Heads of Departments will recommend Year 7 pupils, who are performing at scholarship standard and who we therefore deem to be suitable candidates to sit for scholarship examinations to senior schools. Parents will be informed in the second half of the Summer Term if their child has been recommended to apply for an Academic (including specialities such as STEM), Art & Design, Drama, Music, Sports or All-Round scholarship.

Please note that this will also be dependent on their choice of senior school offering an appropriate scholarship.

It is important that we retain our excellent reputation with our colleagues in the various senior schools and so we will not endorse the application of a pupil unless we believe they are working at scholarship standard. The scholarship process is rigorous and should not be undertaken lightly. Heads of Departments will advise and support each scholarship candidate but an erudite, dedicated, enthusiastic and hard-working attitude is a pre-requisite.

In the Michaelmas Term parents will be sent the appropriate paperwork to enable us to process their child’s scholarship application.

After the exams in the Summer term, we will speak to Year 7 about preparation for future schools, specifically how to write a personal statement. This is an important document that all pupils are asked to complete; it will be sent to their senior school. Year 7 pupils will attend a briefing on personal statements, when further information and guidance will be made available.

The final year at St Faith’s is an exciting and busy one for our pupils. It is essential that each pupil appreciates the significance of hard work and doing their best both in and out of the classroom. They will receive every encouragement and guidance from the staff at St Faith’s and we are confident that their final year will be memorable and successful.

In Year 8, following consultation with the Heads of Departments, we recommend pupils apply for various Scholarships at Senior Schools.

Applying for a Scholarship requires a great deal of commitment and independent work. Each school has different requirements, but schools are looking for scholars who are committed to the subject beyond curriculum time.

Not all schools offer the scholarship for which a child has been nominated for. Further information regarding scholarships can be found on senior school websites. In addition, some senior schools advise a maximum of two scholarship applications. Parents are advised to check individual websites for further information.

Previous Scholarships

44 Scholarships were awarded to pupils in 2024

Scholarship Table