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Pastoral Care

Late Stay & Breakfast

Breakfast is available to purchase from 07:45-08:15 each morning with a choice of hot and cold options served in the dining room. Many parents enjoy a relaxed breakfast with their children and our dining room is a buzz as parents often use the time to catch up or to get to know other parents as well. We invite parents who have children in the year groups indicated to come to breakfast on the days listed. Siblings in the same family in other year groups are very welcome to come to breakfast with you on the days shown. Children must be accompanied by their parents throughout breakfast.

  • Years 7 & 8 Monday
  • Years 5 & 6 Tuesday
  • Years 3 & 4 Wednesday
  • Years 1& 2 Thursday
  • Reception Friday


Late Stay Pre Prep

Late Stay is available for Pre Prep children from the end of the school day at 15:20 until 17:45. It is held in one of the Reception classrooms and children are encouraged to play outside as much as possible once registration has taken place. An extra service is available for children with older siblings, which is called ‘Late Waiters’. The children are supervised for an additional 20 minutes, allowing parents the flexibility to collect their Pre Prep and Prep children at the same time (the end of the school day in years 3-8 is 15.40). There is no charge for this service.


Time Activity
15:20 – 15:35 Late Waiters, for Pre Prep pupils with an older sibling(s)
15:20 – 16:30 Staff welcome and register the children. Children can choose activities and are encouraged to be outside as often as possible
16:30 – 16:55 A light snack is served in the dining room
17:00 – 17:45 Activities and play continue until Late Stay ends at 17:45


Late Stay Years 3-8
Pupils in Years 3 to 8 will have the opportunity to do homework from 1540 to 1625 each day. A snack will then be provided in the Dining Room at 1630 for those children who are staying later. Supervision will continue from 1650 until 1745.


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