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Pastoral Care

Tutors, Houses & Assemblies

On joining the School, children are placed in the care of a Tutor (or Class Teacher in the Pre Prep) who is responsible for their overall welfare. Any queries or problems concerning a child should be addressed to the Tutor/Teacher in the first instance. The Tutor/Teacher meets the children daily for registration and deals with all routine matters.

In Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education (PSHCE) sessions, taught by the Tutor, the children follow a programme which focuses on their personal and social development.



Pupils move into one of four Houses (Bentley, Chaucer, Latham and Newton). in Year 3 and remain in these until the end of Year 8. When pupils reach Year 5, and the beginning of subject-specialist teaching, as well as academic setting, they are not necessarily taught by their Tutor. 
Throughout the year, there are a variety of inter-House competitions including Sports Day in the Summer Term and a House singing competition at the end of the Michaelmas term.

The four Heads of House support the pupils and Tutors in their House and Mr Mike Critchley, Director of Pastoral Care, has overall responsibility for the House system. This arrangement provides for valuable continuity of care.



Assemblies take place in a variety of groups. Years 1 to 8 meet regularly on a Monday when the Headmaster or senior staff lead the assembly, prayers are said and a hymn sung. The Pre Prep have a further two assemblies each week, one of which on a Friday is a celebration and birthday assembly.

Years 3 and 4 have a weekly assembly with the Director of Pastoral Care and Heads of House. Years 3 to 8 meet together about once in every three weeks in their House groups and these assemblies are led by the Head of House. There are also singing assemblies.