4-7 Years
- Biology: Trees, teeth and eating, helping plants grow well
- Physics: Magnets and springs, light and shadow
- Chemistry: Rocks and soils
My aim for our Science curriculum is to stimulate curiosity, interest and enjoyment through a practical approach that sees science within a wider body of knowledge and skills.
I want to enthuse pupils and encourage them to work both independently and as part of a team. We cover the National Curriculum and extended it considerably, with our own syllabus organised into physics, chemistry and biology topics to give our pupils an understanding of the three sciences.
We are also part of the Royal Society Schools Network and encourage our pupils to recognise the applications of science in the world around them and the implications of science for the individual and community.
Within each year group, the Science curriculum is divided into three-week Physics, Chemistry and Biology topics. Investigation skills are incorporated in every lesson and pupils are nurtured in the skill of applying their understanding to solve practical and theoretical problems.
Here’s a taste of what happens in each year:
Sarah Pritchard
Head of Science