4-7 Years
Pastoral Care
Safeguarding Children
The well-being of our children is of paramount importance to us and we take all aspects of this very seriously.
All school staff are aware of their responsibility to identify children who are suffering or are likely to suffer significant harm. Where there are grounds for concern, staff have a duty to take appropriate action and work with other services if required. Occasionally, this duty of senior designated staff, may result in a concern being passed on which is later shown to be unfounded. It is hoped that parents/carers will appreciate how difficult it is for the school to carry out this delicate responsibility and accept that senior designated staff act in good faith and in the best interests of all children.
Parents should be aware that, as part of their safeguarding responsibilities, staff log incidents of concern and these may be passed on to senior schools. Parents are asked to inform the school at the first opportunity of the circumstances surrounding any accidental injury suffered by children while at home.
The school’s designated staff for child protection are Mr M Critchley (Designated Safeguarding Lead), Mr E Johnson, Mrs L Wakefield, Mrs J Walker and Mrs C Hendry (Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads).